
This privacy policy explains how we collect information from you and for what purpose it is used for.

➺Information you provide

You may provide us with personal contact information in several ways including sending a property enquiry, corresponding with us via email, completing a survey, entering a competition, completing a review, provide feedback or reporting an issue. We only store your personal data after you have consented by agreeing to our terms and conditions on the form. Data is gathered straightforwardly when you apply on our site, email or call us, or give data to us through some other means. The accompanying models are snippets of data we might gather straightforwardly from you:
  • Name
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address
  • Future communication preferences

➺Information we collect

We automatically collect Meta data from your web browser limited to the type and version, the device make and model, your IP address, the referral domain, and the browser language setting.

➺Ways in which we may share your personal information

We provide your given name, email and phone number to agents whenever you send a property enquiry on HNB Real Estate.

How HNB REAL ESTATE purposes this data

The data we gather is utilized to give you items, administrations and offers, and to convey notices and different offers and content which is customized and pertinent to your inclinations.

  • To give reactions to your inquiries as well as requests.
  • Foster new administrations and items.
  • Send you messages about HNB REAL ESTATE and other substances which we accept might hold any importance with you.
  • Phone you about HNB REAL ESTATE and content we accept might hold any importance with you.
  • Create and give Promoting extraordinarily customized to your inclinations, including revenue based showcasing.
  • Customize your experience on our sites by introducing items and data which is custom-made for you.
  • Furnishes you with the choices to partake of social sharing on our sites.
  • Examine the utilization of, and create, our items, administrations and advertising.
  • Authorization of our Agreements and in any case the executives of our business.

➺Data sharing

We don’t offer your own data to advertisers beyond HNB REAL ESTATE and your trust is critical to us

➺Ways in which we use your personal information

Fulfilling your requests such as forwarding property enquiries to agents or developers. Providing you with information on HNB Real that may interest you. Any marketing emails that we send you will have the option to unsubscribe. Enhancing your experience of our services e.g. ensuring content is presented in the most effective manner for your device. Delivering relevant advertising to you on our site or other sites operated by HNB Real Estate.. Internal business administration e.g. data analysis, troubleshooting, testing and research.

➺Storing your personal information

We may store your information on secure servers anywhere in the world. By submitting your personal information, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. Wherever our servers are, we rely on approved data transfer mechanisms to ensure that your personal information is adequately safeguarded. Once you have sent us your data we use strict procedures to ensure that your data is secure, however we cannot guarantee its security. Any data that you send to us is sent at your own risk. Where you have a password to enable you to access some parts of our websites, you are responsible for keeping that password confidential. You must not share your password with anyone.

➺Requesting data deletion

We keep your personal information for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it was requested. If you would like to delete your information from our servers you may request us to do so by contacting us.

➺Updates to our Protection Articulation

Changes to this Protection Articulation will be posted and the successful date when this Security Explanation is refreshed will be demonstrated. Assuming that material changes are made to this Security Proclamation, we will inform you through sending an email to the email address you most as of late given us or by posting notice of the progressions on this site.


We use cookies to distinguish you from other users of HNB Real Estate. This allows us to customise your experience when you use our website e.g. by remembering your chosen currency or your favourite properties. Google advertising network uses a cookie to record your activity (including pages visited) and estimate what information interests you most. They use this information in accordance with their own privacy policies.

➺Links to third party websites

Wherever our website contains links to other websites this privacy policy does not apply to those other websites and we do not accept liability for the content of any other website. Please check the privacy policy of any other website before submitting any personal information to it.

➺Contacting us

Any changes we may make to this Policy in the future will be posted on this page. If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy, you may contact us.

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